Guidelines for redesigning customer and employee experiences.

the challenge

Find context specific deficiencies in Microsoft Service and Microsoft Support. 


the outcome

Produced specific guidelines for the redesign of customer experiences and used interaction design methods to bring systemic change to the organization.

Interaction Design White Paper

Gesture Design, Tactility, Intuitive Design, Interaction Design


Samsung Plus
Microsoft DesignWell
Microsoft Inclusive Design


Microsoft engages with a big range of users across the breadth of data, technical documents, and websites. Microsoft Services is Microsoft's $10 billion consulting organization and Microsoft Support is Microsoft's global division for supporting the full range of operating systems, business, consumer, and enterprise products.

In this multi-year partnership with Microsoft, we designed interaction design methods to bring systemic change to an organization. The key approach was the use of qualitative user ethnographies to extract the internal and external metrics that are most valuable to a given context per use case. Over 20 months, the deficiencies in the key findings were visualized with alternative scenarios; several iterative processes were done with key internal stakeholders and external users. The outcome of this engagement produced specific guidelines for the redesign of the entire global organization customer experience. This transformation produced a direct impact addressing the pain point reduction of the consumer and the business customer. 

Redesigning customer and employee experiences.


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For over 20 years, we have created impactful human-technology interactions to help our partners solve pressing issues.

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